MLM Labels – Serving Entrepreneurs and the Network Marketing Industry with Highly Responsive MLM mailing lists and Opportunity Buyers mailing lists since 1987 – A Protech Communications Company
MLM Labels – A Protech Communications Company
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100% deliverable Guarantee!
We will replace any Non-Deliverable name you may receive with 5 new names
- Non-Deliverable Entry
- New Deliverable Entries (Free)
Testimonials From Our Clients
MLM Mailing Lists
Opportunity Buyer Lists
Overview of Network Marketing
In a typical multi-level marketing or network marketing arrangement, individuals associate with a parent company as an independent contractor or franchisee and are compensated based on their sales of products or service, as well as the sales achieved by those they bring into the business. This is like many franchise companies where royalties are paid from the sales of individual franchise operations to the franchisor as well as to an area or regional manager.
How our mailing lists are updated
All of our lists that we offer to our clients are update through NCOA. National Change of Address (NCOA) is a registry of people who move or otherwise change their address in the United States. It is maintained by the United States Postal Service and access to it is sold to firms that engage in direct mail; use of NCOA is required in order to obtain bulk mail rates, as it minimizes the number of misaddresses and eases the job of the postal service.
Why we don’t offer opportunity seekers mailing lists
Whenever you are marketing with direct mail you should always want to use the most qualified mailing lists you can obtain. An Opportunity Buyers mailing list is always going to be a better choice for you direct mail campaigns. Opportunity seekers are not qualified. Many opportunity seekers never make a purchase or take any action. Many people who land on Opportunity seekers mailing list are often called “tire-kickers” or “time-wasters”. Keep in mind that many people send away for offers just to satisfy their own curiosity and never make any form of a purchase nor do they take any action. In other words, opportunity seekers or individuals who are on many opportunity seekers lists have not proven their mail order responsiveness.